桑原ゆうの作品リスト|Yu Kuwabara works in English
To purchase scores, visit Edition Gravis, Edition Wunn, and yu kuwabara scores online.
chamber music - duo
chamber music - trio
chamber music - quartet and larger
with voice
mandolin orchestra
with Shōmyō (Japanese Buddhist chant)
with Utai (Noh chanting) or Noh voice
with Gagaku
with shamisen
with koto
with Rakugo (Japanese traditional verbal entertainment)
for runway show
for remote ensemble
theatre pieces and others
for children
for Awai-Za including arrangement works
arrangement works/recompositions
upcoming/in progress
in revision
Minori no Ame (Dharma Rain) (2024)
for solo piano
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by Aki Takahashi
Hamlet Ichi-dan (Hamlet's Monologue) (2023-24)
with vioice
Mutual Dreaming for two voices of one singer (2023-24)
with vioice
The Poetics of Touch and Tremor (2023)
for solo guitar
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Sociedad Española de la Guitarra; performed by Marco Del Greco
The Six Hours Ⅲ (2022-23) 
for solo tenor saxophone
duration: approximately 14 minutes
commissioned by
ACHT BRÜCKEN | Musik für Köln, with support from Anna Friebe Reininghaus; performed by Marcus Weiss
Archived recording is available on WDR3 Studio Neue Musik until November 18, 2024:
KonSequenzen [1] Vito Žuraj und Yu Kuwabara
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH (in preparation)
The Six Hours Ⅱ (2022-23) 

for solo viola
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by
ACHT BRÜCKEN | Musik für Köln, with support from Brigitte Wagner-Halswick; performed by Megumi Kasakawa
Archived recording is available on WDR3 Studio Neue Musik until November 18, 2024:
KonSequenzen [1] Vito Žuraj und Yu Kuwabara
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH (in preparation)
The Six Hours I (2022-23) 

for solo bassoon
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by
ACHT BRÜCKEN | Musik für Köln, with support from Dirk Schroeder and Birgitta Peters; performed by Johannes Schwarz
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg3083]
Falling Distance (2022) 
for solo vibraphone
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by
Style and Idea; performed by Yukari Yagi
Kyoun to Kagetsu (Lingering Clouds and Clear Moon) (2022)
for solo shakuhachi
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by and dedicated to Akihito Obama
Sonatina on the name of Bach (2021-22) 
for solo violin
duration: approximately 14 minutes
written for Bach's Field of Prayer #5 - Awai-Za Recital Series Vol.2
Sonata-Vocalise (2021)
for solo cello
duration: approximately 10 minutes
written for Bach's Field of Prayer #5 - Awai-Za Recital Series Vol.2
Ime no Koto (Koto Pipe Dream) (2021)
with koto
for solo violin
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by
I&I Foundation; performed by Ilya Gringolts
The archive movie of the online premiere is now available on
Tectonics Glasgow website for 30 days.
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH (in preparation)
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
so low, so level (2020)
with vioice
Unspoken Song of the Koto (2020)
with koto
Toward the Brink of Water Or the Verge of Dusk (2020)
for solo viola d'amore
duration: approximately 11 minutes
written for and dedicated to Marco Fusi
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
Nokorigaku (Remaining Music) (2019)
for solo piano
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by
Festival 20/21 Transit; performed by Nicolas Hodges;
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH (in preparation)
Concert Suite 'Gauche the Cellist' (2019) 
1. Prelude
2. Practice Do, Re, Mi, Fa with Cuckoo
3. Merry Horse-drawn Carriage
4. Tiger Hunting in India
5. Unnamed Rhapsody
for solo cello
duration: approximately 11 minutes
buy pdf score at
yu kuwabara scores online
Moon Sliding Ⅱ (2014/19)
for solo harp
duration: approximately 5 minutes
written for the solo harp workshop at the International Summer Course for New Music Darmstadt 2014
revised for
Shadowless - Yu Kuwabara Portrait [Awai-Za Recital Series Vol.1]
for solo violin
duration: approximately 10 minutes
Awai-Za "Mirages of Floating World" in TWS experimental festival vol.9
revised for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.2 - The second night 'Hauta × New Music'
selected in
Score Follower's Spring 2020 FollowMyScore call for works; Marco Fusi's performance+score video is available
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
Three Different Time Fields and The Voiceless Chant (2018)
for solo cembalo
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by and dedicated to
Mamiko Someda
for solo trombone
duration: approximately 11 minutes
written for and dedicated to Kosei Murata; revised premiered by William Lang
selected for
the 2017 Call for Scores by Boston Microtonal Society
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2787]
for solo cello
duration: approximately 11 minutes
for the solo cello workshop at the International Summer Course for New Music Darmstadt 2014
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2788]
Mystische Miniatüre (2017) 

for solo khaen (the Lao/Northeast Thai free-reed mouth organ)
duration: approximately 8 minutes
written for and dedicated to Christopher Adler
CD released by Christopher Adler on
Triangulations: New music for khaen, volume one
Moon Sliding (2014/15) 
for solo electone (electric organ by YAMAHA)
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by and dedicated to Yukino Ichikawa
Dance of death (2015)
solo Irish harp version of "Lilium - Dance of death" from 'The Night Music'
for solo Irish harp (lever harp)
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Setsujyo Saito
Falling Dusk (2014)
with shamisen
Prelude on the name of Masanobu Ikeda (2013)
for solo piano
duration: approximately 1 minute
dedicated to Masanobu Ikeda to celebrate his 67th birthday
Teri-Mukuri (2011/13)
for solo accordion; on the impressions by Balkan music
written for
Denis Patcovic
Love song Ⅳ (2011) 
for solo guitar
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Kosuke Hashizume
Here you can listen to a performance by Jacob Kellermann.
Dodoitsu Variations (2010)
for solo accordion
written for Denis Patcovic
O-hya-ra-i Variations (2009/19/22) 
for solo flute
duration: approximately 6 minutes
written for and dedicated to Camilla Hoitenga
vanishing primitive (2006)
for solo piano
duration: approximately 7 minutes
echoing and empty (2006)
for solo accordion
duration: approximately 9 minutes
written for and dedicated to Stefan Hussong
winning work at On Site Lab Emerging Artist Support Program Music vol.02-3 Stefan Hussong Accordion Workshop Concert
chamber music - duo
Falling Dusk, Filling Bird Cries (2024)
for bassoon and cello
for Sou Kawasaki and Sho Sato
Dot and Line, or Moon and Plate (2023)
for trombone and 25-string koto
duration: approximately 9 minutes
commissioned by Kosei Murata; performed by Kosei Murata and Maya Kimura
Mimyo no Koe (2023)
for shakuhachi in A and bass shamisen
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by Utsunomiya City Cultural Hall; performed by Keisuke Zenyoji and Hidejiro Honjoh
Between the In-betweens (2022-23)
for violin and cello
commissioned by Ensemble Contemporary Alpha
Rites of Lilith (2021-22)
for violin and piano
duration: approximately 14 minutes
commissioned by ROSCO; performed by Fumiko Kai and Kaori Ohsuga
Chronos-Kairos (2021) 
for trombone and piano
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by the contemporary duo; performed by Kosei Murata and Kazue Nakamura
Touched, scooped (2021)
After ‘Sukuisa,’ A Bon Dance Song of Niino
for koto and 5-string piccolo cello
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by Michael Maria Kasper; performed by Naoko Kikuchi and Michael Maria Kasper
Balls and Keys (2020)
for violin and cello
duration: approximately 8 minutes
written for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.4 - Fireworks
Mirror rim (2020) 
for clarinet in B flat and manrolin
duration: approximately 1 minute
written for Go Mochizuki and Thomas Piercy; performed at Tokyo to New York "MOMENTS IN THIS TIME"
Four Games (2019)
1. Cat and mouse 
2. Fluctuation and distortion
3. Mirroring
4. Paul Klee's wavy lines
for 2 recorder players
commissioned by Seiko Tanaka and Daniele Bragetti
for baritone and tuba
on 'Shinobi kudoki kiyari' from "Sabishikiza no nagusami"
duration: approximately 9 minutes
commissioned by and dedicated to Teion Duo
Mirror in the Mirror (2018) 
for bass clarinet and contraforte
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by ensemble proton bern as the winner of
protonwerk no.8
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2937]
There was already water there (2018)
for bassoon and shamisen
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by Rebekah Heller and Hidejiro Honjoh
Spontaneous Song after the poem "Evidences" by Nouso Masao (2018)
with voice
2 and 32 [In Between b] (2018)
for zephyros (slide trumpet) and vibraphone
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by Kiyonori Sokabe and Mizuki Aita
Two Voices (2017)
for zephyros (slide trumpet) and shō
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Kiyonori Sokabe; performed by Kiyonori Sokabe and Tamami Tono
Danse à vivre (2016)
for violin and piano
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Shungo Mise
Tō no Kyoku (Music In Tower Shape) (2013-14/16)
for shō and Irish harp (lever harp)
commissioned by and dedicated to Setsujyo Saito
Flowers of Fading
Flowers of Fading (2014)
for soprano recorder and shō
This work has also been performed by other instrumental combinations such as piccolo trumpet and shō, soprano recorder, and accordion.
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by Kazuo Furuyama; performed by Kazuo Furuyama and Hanako Nakamura
Flowers of Fading b [short version] (2014/17)
for soprano recorder and shō
duration: approximately 8 minutes
Flowers of Fading c [vibraphone version] (2014/20)
for vibraphone and shō
duration: approximately 8 minutes
Song for "Wakamurasaki" b (2014)
with shamisen
Gamelan of Wind and Stars (2013)
for trumpet and guitar
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by Kiyonori Sokabe and Gaku Yamada
Doll-Blind (2007)
for tenor recorder and accordion
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by Toshiya Suzuki; performed by Toshiya Suzuki and Stefan Hussong
score published by
Edition Wunn [EW 25019]
Doll-Blind b [flute version] (2007/12) 
for flute and accordion
duration: approximately 11 minutes
score published by Edition Wunn [EW 25023]
Song of "Imawa" (Song of ephemerality, in-between the world and the next world) (2012)
for violin and piano
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by mmm... for
hibari charity project
Arabesque (2012) 
for mandolin and guitar
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by Go Mochizuki and Kosuke Hashizume
Utakata no Uta (Ephemeral Songs of Love) (2004)
1. Song by Fujitsubo no Miya
2. Song by Rokujyo no Miyasudokoro
3. Song by Murasaki no Ue
for soprano and oboe
on the three poems (Waka) from 'The Tale of Genji' by Murasaki Shikibu
duration: approximately 10 minutes
winning work of the 9th Tokyo International Chamber Music Composition Competition
LOOP (2003-04)
for flute and piano
duration: approximately 7 minutes
chamber music - trio
Mitsudomoe-Omeribuki (2024)
for shakuhachi, flute, and tenor recorder
commissioned by Toshiya Suzuki; performed by Tadashi Tajima, Yoshie Ueno, and Toshiya Suzuki
Imaginary Etenraku (2023)
for shakuhachi, sho, and kse diev
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Yuki Deai; first performed at a traditional culture exchange performance to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Cambodia
An archived video of the premiere is available
here. This work starts at around 1:21:18.
Jakuchu Emaki - In homage to Jakuchu Ito (2023)
1. Riverboat Journey - Fushimi, Yodojo
2. Rising Sun and Phonixes
3. Hydrangeas and Pair of Chickens
4. Baisao
5. Cuctus and Fowls
6. Birds and Animals in the Flower Garden
7. Riverboat Journey - Genpachi no watashi
for koto with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 40 minutes
commissioned by Etsuko Hirai (Noix Accordées); performed by Lisa Kataoka, Kazuhiro Takagi, and Daisuke Kitaguchi
Seven Studies about "Image" (2018) 

for violin, cello, and piano
duration: approximately 11 minutes
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2790]
for alto saxophone, percussions, and prepared piano
duration: approximately 9 minutes
written for
Delian Academy for New Music 2018; performed by Trio Accanto
revised first premiered at
Real Accanto - Darmstädter Ferienkurse; the recording is available on
Deutschlandfunk website.
selected for 113 Annual Call for Scores by
One Thirteen Composers Collective
CD released by WERGO [WER 7393 2] on
Trio Accanto: Other Stories
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2789]
Seven Studies about "Image" (2018) 

for violin, cello, and piano
duration: approximately 11 minutes
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2790]
for string trio (violin, viola, and cello)
duration: approximately 10 minutes
written as a part of
Academy Voix Nouvelles 2016 at Fondation Royaumont; performed by Talea Ensemble
selected for
the second edition of Call for Scores by mdi ensemble
selected in
Score Follower's Fall 2017 FollowMyScore call for works; the recording+score video is available
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH (in preparation)
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
Matataki no Awai (The moment the light blinks) (2012)
for shakuhachi, lute, and baroque cello
duration: approximately 9 minutes
commissioned by Ensemble Muromachi
Love song Ⅲ (2009)
for great bass recorder, cello, and accordion
duration: approximately 11 minutes
winning work of the 78th Music Competition of Japan (composition section)
lace-race (2006)
for cello, piano, and percussionists (gamelan)
duration: approximately 15 minutes
commissioned by MU gakudan (Hironori Ueda, Manabu Nagasawa, and Tomoki Tai)
You mustn't write a letter at midnight... (2003)
for soprano, flute, and cello
chamber music - quartet and larger
Indra's Net (2024)
for 6 percussionists
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by Kunitachi College of Music for The 55th Percussion Ensemble Annual Concert
Iwai-uta after "Moonlight Mantra" (2024)
for string quartet
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by Wasei Hirai, master of Anyo-in Temple
Toki no Koe (Voice of Time) (2024)
I. Prelude — Winter
II. First Interlude — Spring
III. Second Interlude — Summer
IV. Postlude — Autumn
for early instruments ensemble (fl, ob, vn, viola da gamba, vc, theorbo, harpsichord)
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by 67. International Festival of Contemporary Music ‘Warsaw Autumn,’ first performed by {oh!} ORKIESTRA
Yoshiwara Kiyari Kuzushi (2022-23)
for string quartet
duration: approximately 6 minutes
commissioned by NHK-FM Recital Passio; performed by Thaleia Quartet
The feature article is avairable
here. You can listen to the recording of the work in the middle of this article.
Hidden Melody (2022)
for 9 musicians (fl, cl, bsn, hrn, perc, pf, 2vn&va)
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Lucerne Festival for Lucerne Festival Forward 2022; premiered by Ensemble of the Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra
Innate Reality (2021)
for 7 musicians (tsax, tp, tb, egt, vn, va&vc)
duration: approximately 15 minutes
commissioned by ZeitRäume Basel
Obi (2021)
for 7 musicians (fl, cl, perc, pf, vn, va&vc)
duration: approximately 30 seconds
commissioned by Divertimento Ensemble; performed at the first edition of Rondò Smart Festival
for string quartet
duration: approximately 11 minutes
Nested Time (2020/21) 

for 16 musicians (
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by
Mizzou International Composers Festival; performed by Alan Pierson and Alarm Will Sound as one of the resident composers of MICF 2020 and 2021
Berlin Renshi Ⅱ - Die Strickleiter an der Fasanenstraße (2020-21)
co-composition by Motoharu Kawashima, Marc David Ferrum, and Yu Kuwabara
Utai (noh chanting), baritone, gagaku ensemble, and chamber orchestra
after 'Die Strickleiter an der Fasanenstrasse' by Makoto Ooka, Shuntaro Tanikawa, Hans Carl Artmann, Oskar Pastior, Hiroomi Fukuzawa, and Eduard Klopfenstein
commissioned by National Theatre of Japan; first performed at
Gagaku and Contemporary Music Poetry in Song and Performance
The Three Playing of Kenji Miyazawa's onomatopoeia (2020) 
for voice, flute (doubling bass flute), cello, and percussions
commissioned by Dento-Gakusha
Dance to live (2020)
for clarinet in B flat, mandolin, electric guitar, piano, electric bass, and drums
commissioned by Go Mochizuki; performed by Music KART and Thomas Piercy
for 17 musicians ( divided in 2 groups
duration: approximately 16 minutes
commissioned by
International Ensemble Modern Academy in the context of
CRESC... Biennale für aktuelle Musik
The 31st Yasushi Akutagawa Suntory Award for Music Composition (formerly known as The Akutagawa Composition Award)
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2916LM]
A song about a dead person (2019)
for baritone, trumpet, trombone, and bass clarinet
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by loadbang
for 16 musicians ( (the first version was for 15 musicians)
duration: approximately 14 minutes
selected for the Reading Session at
impuls- 8th International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music, 2013
revised for
Shadowless - Yu Kuwabara Portrait [Awai-Za Recital Series Vol.1]
Thirty-three Moons
Thirty-three Moons (2018) 
for 7 recorder players
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by Seiko Tanaka and Daniele Bragetti; performed by La Rubertina
Thirty-three Moons b [short version] (2018/19)
for 7 recorder players
duration: approximately 6 minutes
commissioned by Seiko Tanaka and Daniele Bragetti; performed by La Rubertina
for 6 musicians (fl/afl, cl/bcl, vn, vc, perc, pf)
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by Syntax Ensemble; for the final of International Composition Competition The Breaking Music 2019
International Composition Competition The Breaking Music 2019
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2792LM]
A world under the world (2018)
for baritone, reading in Japanese, and 7 musicians (cl/bcl, tsax, tp, tb, perc, pf, cb)
duration: approximately 10 minutes
on the extracts from 'profezia' by Pier Paolo Pazolini
commissioned by Divertimento Ensemble; as the winner of
the fifth edition of the competition ‘Franco Donatoni’ International Meeting for Young Composers
incense, efflorescence (2018) 

for 9 musicians (fl/picc/bfl, cl/bcl, perc, acc, hp, pf, vn, va, vc)
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by and for neuverBand; as the winner of
for solo shamisen and 7 musicians (fl/afl, cl/bcl, perc, pf, vn, va, vc)
duration: approximately 13 minutes
commissioned by and for Ensemble Modern and Hidejiro Honjoh
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
Striking a match momentarily I see the foggy ocean
Striking a match momentarily I see the foggy ocean (2018)
for shakuhachi, daegeum, shamisen, koto, gayageum, violin, viola, cello, and contrabass
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by AsianArt Ensemble; performed by Akihito Obama, Hidejiro Honjoh, and AsianArt Ensemble
Striking a match momentarily I see the foggy ocean b [AsianArt Ensemble original instrumental version] (2018/19) 

for daegeum, sheng, koto, gayageum, percussions, violin, viola, cello, and contrabass
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by AsianArt Ensemble
Dandara no Dharani (Layered Dharani) (2018)
for 6 musicians (fl/picc, cl/bcl, shamisen, vc, perc, pf)
duration: approximately 9 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh
performed by the soloists from Ensemble Intercontemporain and Hidejiro Honjoh
Deconstructing Winter (2017-18) 

Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, Recomposed
for mandolin, electric guitar, piano, electric bass, and drums
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by Go Mochizuki; performed by Music KART
CD released by Music KART on
Contemporary Pop - Music KART
Six Voices (2017) 
for solo shakuhachi and 5 musicians (fl/afl, cl/bcl, vn, va, vc)
duration: approximately 14 minutes
selected for
Asian Composers Showcase 2018 in the Tongyeong International Music Festival, held by Goethe Institute Korea; the excerpt of the recording is available on
their website.
dedicated to Reison Kuroda
for solo violin and 8 musicians (fl, cl/bcl, tb, perc, vn, va, vc, cb)
duration: approximately 12 minutes
written for
the Composer Seminar of the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY 2017; the recording is available on
Radio SRF website. The third piece of four.
the 2017-18 edition of Construct-Radiate International Composition Competition by neuverBand
the fifth edition of the competition ‘Franco Donatoni’ International Meeting for Young Composers by Divertimento Ensemble
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH (in preparation)
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
Ten Voices (2017) 
for 10 musicians (fl/afl, cl/bcl, hrn, tb, perc, pf, 2vn, va, vc)
duration: approximately 10 minutes
written for
Devertimento Ensemble International Workshop for Young Composers 2017
selected for
Devertimento Ensemble Rondò 2018
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH (in preparation)
Madara no Dharani (Patched Dharani) (2017) 
for clarinet, 2shakuhachi, vibraphone, mandolin, and futozao shamisen
duration: approximately 6 minutes
commissioned by Thomas Piercy
for 6 musicians (fl, bcl, tb, pf, vn, cb)
duration: approximately 7 minutes
commissioned by ensemble mise-en; first performed at
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg2915LM]
Tower of Ihatov Children (2015)
for 7 musicians (fl, bcl, mar, pf, vn, va, vc)
duration: approximately 6 minutes
commissioned by
Padiglione Italia Expo 2015 Milano; performed by Sentieri Selvaggi; as one of finalists of
Feeding Music composition competition
Love song Ⅱ (2008)
for soprano, bass flute, bass clarinet, viola, and 13-string koto
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by Ensemble Phorminx
wooden pop (2007)
for 3 percussionists and piano
duration: approximately 10 minutes
Falling Garden (2004-05)
for flute, trombone, cello, cembalo, and percussions
duration: approximately 9 minutes
winning work of the 74th Music Competition of Japan (composition section)
Pygmalion (2003)
for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, and bassoon)
duration: approximately 8 minutes
with voice
Hamlet Ichi-dan (Hamlet's Monologue) (2023-24)
for solo baritone
commissioned by and dedicated to Takashi Matsudaira
Mutual Dreaming for two voices of one singer (2023-24)
for one singer who goes back and forth between soprano voice and Noh-voice
duration: approximately 15 minutes
commissioned by Noriko Yakushiji; first performed at B to C: From Bach to Contemporary Music [259] Noriko Yakushiji Soprano Recital
The Seventh Planet (2022)
with koto
White Winds, Blue Nights (2021)
Ime no Koto (Koto Pipe Dream) (2021)
with koto
Moonlight, Sunlight (2021)
with koto
Berlin Renshi Ⅱ - Die Strickleiter an der Fasanenstraße (2020-21)
chamber music - quartet and larger
The Three Playing of Kenji Miyazawa's onomatopoeia (2020)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Unspoken Song of the Koto (2020)
with koto
so low, so level (2020)
for solo soprano with playing guiro, or rasping stick
duration: approximately 5 minutes
on 'VOWELS' by Christian Bök
commissioned by
Riot Ensemble in the context of
Zeitgeist; performed by Sarah Dacey
Nazuke no Uta (Naming Chant) (2019-20)
for vocal ensemble (12 voices)
on the extract from 'Kojiki' (Records of Ancient Matters)
commissioned by Yokohama Minatomirai Hall for Just Composed 2020 Spring/2023 Winter; performed by Vox humana
A song about a dead person (2019)
chamber music - quartet and larger
of the world under a dream, or of a dream under the world... (2019)
with shamisen
Ukiyo Shinobi Kudoki Uta (2019)
chamber music - duo
A world under the world (2018)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Spontaneous Song after the poem "Evidences" by Nouso Masao (2018)
for tenor and cello
on 'Evidences' from 'A Cloudy Day' by Nouso Masao
duration: approximately 6 minutes
Serenade (2017)
for voice, cello and obligato tenor
on 'Sonnet #43' by William Shakespeare (translated by Atsuhiko Ohyagi)
duration: approximately 5 minutes
written for Ichida Family House × "Gen" musubi -Music and Literature-
Katachi, Aya, or Sugata (Oscillating between speaking, singing and performing) (2017)
for voice, tenor and cello
on excerpts from 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare (translated by Toshikazu Ohyama), from the poem 'Ah Ware Wa Oboretarukana (Oh, I am drowning)' by Chuya Nakahara, from the poem 'Ophélie' by Arthur Rimbaud (translated by Mitsuharu Kaneko)
duration: approximately 11 minutes
written for "Gen" musubi -Music and Literature- Vol.2 "Twelfth Night, or, What You Will"
'The Comedy of Errors' on The Paraphrase of Echigojishi (2016)
for 2 cellists and a storyteller
on the libretto by Yutaka Oishi, based on 'The Comedy of Errors' by William Shakespeare (translated by Kazuko Matsuoka)
duration: approximately 20 minutes
written for "Gen" musubi -Music and Literature- vol.1 "The Comedy of Errors"
Love song Ⅱ (2008)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Utakata no Uta (Ephemeral Songs of Love) (2004)
chamber music - duo
Falling Leaves Moon Steps (2023) 
for solo shakuhachi, solo shamisen, and orchestra
duration: approximately 23 minutes
commissioned by Suntory Foundation of the Arts after
winning The 31st Competition of Yasushi Akutagawa Suntory Award
score published by
Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH [eg3047LM]
White Winds, Blue Nights (2021) 
for solo biwa (with voice for one performer) and orchestra
duration: approximately 18 minutes
on traditionary poetry of Native Americans translated into Japanese
commissioned by Ensemble Free; performed by Akiko Kubota and Ensemble Free
Two Whales (2005-06)
for solo oboe, solo trombone, and orchestra
duration: approximately 12 minutes
winning work of the 75th Music Competition of Japan (composition section)
mandolin orchestra
Mizukage (Water Shadows) (2013/16) 
for mandolin orchestra
duration: approximately 17 minutes
commissioned by Esprit Mandolin Orchestra
Pops in Mandolin Orchestra - The Beatles I 'Michelle' (2015) 
for mandolin orchestra
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Liberté Mandolin Orchestra
with Shōmyō (Japanese Buddhist chant)
Nichiren-Shu Shōmyō 'Kōso-san' with accompanying music on gagaku instruments (2021/23-24) 
composed the accompaniment part by gagaku ensemble (hichiriki, sho, ryuteki, koto, biwa) for the traditional Nichiren-Shu Shōmyō song 'Kōso-san'
commissioned by ShimoKumaTakeru
for shōmyō voice by 4 priests (Japanese Buddhist chant of Shingon sect and Tendai Sect), percussions, ryuteki, hichiriki, sho, shakuhachi, koto, shamisen, violin, and cello
on the several poetries (in Waka style) by Dōgen, Saigyō, Ippen, Myōe, and Ryōkan, 'Prayer toVairocana-Buddha,' 'Prayer to Amitabha,' 'Mantra of Light,' and 'Heart Sutra' as the text
duration: approximately 53 minutes
commissioned by
Concert Hall Shizuoka AOI; first performed at The Japanese and Nature Ⅱ, Sing of Innate Reality - New Japanese Traditional Music
List of commissioned works by Concert Hall Shizuoka AOI
Moon Spell (2017)
for solo shōmyō voice (Japanese Buddhist chant of Shingon sect) and 6 musicians (baroque violin×2, viola da gamba, baroque cello, baroque contrabass and percussions)
on 'Mantra of Light' as the rylics
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Ensemble Muromachi
for shōmyō (Japanese Buddhist chant of the Shingon sect and Tendai sect, 31 priests for the world premiere)
on the several poetries (in Waka style) by Myōe-shōnin, 'Mantra of Light,' and an excerpt from 'Tsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness)' by Kenkō Yoshida
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Kanagawa Kenritsu Ongakudō (Kanagawa Prefectural Music Hall); first performed at
Japanese Traditional Music Series
for shōmyō (Japanese Buddhist chant of the Shingon sect and Tendai sect, 26 priests for the world premiere)
on traditionary poetry of Native Americans translated into Japanese
duration: approximately 100 minutes
commissioned by Shōmyō no Kai - Voice of a Thousand Years; first performed at
Spiral Shōmyō Series Vol.24 "Spiral Mandala Ceremony"
EPAD - Spiral Mandala Ceremony
selected in
Score Follower's Fall 2017 FollowMyScore call for works; the recording+score video is available
Fragments on 'Wind Chant' and 'Night Chant' (2015)
for solo shōmyō voice (Japanese Buddhist chant of Shingon sect) and Japanese Buddhist percussions (1 percussionist)
on traditionary poetry of Native Americans
commissioned by Setsujyo Saito
Ruri no Uta, Hoshi no Uta (Song of Stars) (2013)
for solo shōmyō voice (Japanese Buddhist chant of Shingon sect) and Japanese Buddhist percussions (1 percussionist)
on the poem 'Inori no Uta (Song of grace)' by Shinpei Kusano
duration: approximately 20 minutes
commissioned by Setsujyo Saito
Requiem (2008-09)
for shōmyō (Japanese Buddhist chant of Nichiren sect, 20 priests for the world premiere) and Buddhist percussions (2 percussionists)
duration: approximately 33 minutes
commissioned by Nichimen-ji Temple; performed at the 250th Sakezuka Festival
with Utai (Noh chanting) or Noh voice
Moonlight, Sunlight (2021)
with koto
Berlin Renshi Ⅱ - Die Strickleiter an der Fasanenstraße (2020-21)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Variation on 'Magic Doll'
Variation on 'Magic Doll' (2008)
for female noh voice and cello
on the excerpt from 'Magic Doll' by Ranpo Edogawa
duration: approximately 11 minutes
Variation on 'Magic Doll' b [viola version] (2008)
for female noh voice and viola
on the excerpt from 'Magic Doll' by Ranpo Edogawa
duration: approximately 11 minutes
commissioned by Kanagawa Kenmin Hall; performed at ART COMPLEX 2008
Love song - on the excerpt from 'One Arm' (2007)
for Utai (noh chanting), bass flute (doubling flute), and cello
on an excerpt from 'Kata-ude (One Arm)' by Yasunari Kawabata
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by company izuru
with Gagaku
Three Little Gardens of Onomatopoeias (2024)
1. Frogs' Garden by Shinpei Kusano
2. Cats' Garden by Kenji Miyazawa
3. Circus Garden by Chuya Nakahara
for gagaku ensemble (11 performers)
duration: approximately 17 minutes
commissioned by and performed by Reigakusha
Nichiren-Shu Shōmyō 'Kōso-san' with accompanying music on gagaku instruments (2021/23-24)
with Shōmyō
Utasoragoto no Niwa (Garden of Onomatopoeias) (2022)
for gagaku ensemble (11 performers)
duration: approximately 17 minutes
commissioned by and performed by Reigakusha
Four Seasons of the Five Saints: Dōgen, Saigyō, Ippen, Myōe, and Ryōkan (2021)
with Shōmyō
Berlin Renshi Ⅱ - Die Strickleiter an der Fasanenstraße (2020-21)
chamber music - quartet and larger
with shamisen
Falling Leaves Moon Steps (2023)
Mimyo no Koe (2023)
chamber music - duo
Echigojishi Fantasy
Echigojishi Fantasy (2014) 
for violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 8 minutes
dedicated to Kokontei Shinsuke; performed by Awai-Za
Echigojishi Fantasy b (2014/18)
for shakuhachi, 13-string koto, and shamisen
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh
Echigojishi Fantasy c (2014/18/21)
for shakuhachi, shamisen, 13-string koto, 17-string koto, and oh-tsuzumi
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh
Floating Bridge of Dreams Ⅱ - on 'Yoru no Ame (Rain at night)' b [cello version] (2018/21)
for shamisen with voice and cello
duration: approximately 5 minutes
for Kyogen-utai, Jiuta, tenor, baritone, and shamisen
on the several poetries from 'Ryutatsu Kouta' by Takasabu Ryutatsu
duration: approximately 27 minutes
commissioned by Japan National Theatre (Japan Arts Council); for
The History of Japanese Music Ⅲ -Shamisen-
Shami Zanmai (2018)
for 2 shamisen players
duration: approximately 9 minutes
for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.2 - The second night 'Hauta × New Music'
figure and ground, image and margin, obverse and reverse (2018)
chamber music - quartet and larger
There was already water there (2018)
chamber music - duo
Striking a match momentarily I see the foggy ocean (2018)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Dandara no Dharani (Layered Dharani) (2018)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Kinshi no Dharani (Dharani of Gold Strings) (2017)
for horn and shamisen
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by Nobuaki Fukukawa and Hidejiro Honjoh
Momijitsutsu (While turning red) (2017)
for shō and shamisen
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by Mayumi Miyata and Hidejiro Honjoh
Ito no Dharani (Dharani of Strings)
Ito no Dharani (2017)
for violin and shamisen
duration: approximately 2 minutes
commissioned by Shungo Mise
Ito no Dharani b [cello version] (2017)
for violin and shamisen
duration: approximately 2 minutes
Ito no Dharani c [viola version] (2017/19)
for viola and shamisen
duration: approximately 2 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by Megumi Kasakawa and Hidejiro Honjoh
Madara no Dharani (Patched Dharani) (2017)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Kaze no Dharani (Dharani of Wind) (2016)
for bass flute and shamisen
duration: approximately 3 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by
Claire Chase and Hidejiro Honjoh
Falling Dusk (2014)
for solo shamisen
duration: approximately 11 minutes
written for and dedicated to Hidejiro Honjoh
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on <
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
Song for "Wakamurasaki"
Song for "Wakamurasaki" (2014) 
for solo shamisen with voice
on the poem 'Ano Murasaki Wa (That purple is...)' by Izumi Kyoka
duration: approximately 3 minutes
written for
Awai-Za "Mirages of Floating World" in TWS experimental festival vol.9
Song for "Wakamurasaki" b [duo version] (2014)
for shamisen with voice and cello
on the poem 'Ano Murasaki Wa (That purple is)' by Izumi Kyoka
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by Gen no Oriai (Sho Sato and Hidejiro Honjoh)
Song for "Wakamurasaki" b' [short version] (2014/18)
for shamisen with voice and cello
on the poem 'Ano Murasaki Wa (That purple is)' by Izumi Kyoka
duration: approximately 8 minutes
written for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.2 - The second-night 'Hauta × New Music'
with koto
Ukifune Monogatari (2024)
for koto-uta (koto with voice), sho, and ryuteki
duration: approximately 16 minutes
commissioned by Norie Tomobuchi
Yume-Koi-Kwaidan (The Ghost Story of Dream Love) (2012/23) 
1. A-I-U-E-O-Kwaidan
2. Botan Doro (Peony Lantern)
3. Yume-Mi-Hayashi (Festival Music of a Floating World)
4. Hangonko (Incense to Allow the Spirit of Your Love)
5. Hitodenashi no Koi (Love of Inhuman Person) 
6. Yume-Chigae (Incantation to Make a Better Reality)
for 2 koto players (17-string koto, 25-string koto, and sangen, with voice)
duration: approximately 30 minutes
originary commissioned by and dedicated to TsuguKaji-KOTO
revised version without sangen was commissioned by and created for the duo of Asaka Ikegami and Tsugumi Yamamoto
Jakuchu Emaki - In homage to Jakuchu Ito (2023)
chamber music - trio
Dot and Line, or Moon and Plate (2023)
chamber music - duo
The Seventh Planet (2022)
for koto with voice, hichiriki, and violin
on the extract from 'The Little Prince' by Saint-Exupéry, translated by Arou Naito
duration: approximately 40 minutes
commissioned by Ayumi Shimonoto
Echigojishi Fantasy c (2014/18/21)
with shamisen
Ime no Koto (Koto Pipe Dream) (2021)
for koto-uta (koto with voice for one performer)
on the song #810 and #811 from the Man'yoshu volume 5 by Ōtomo no Tabito
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by and performed by Lisa Kataoka
Moonlight, Sunlight (2021)
for Utai (noh chanting) and koto-uta (koto with voice for one performer)
after the poem 'Moonlight, Sunlight' by Seihaku Irako from his poetry collection 'Peacock Boat'
duration: approximately 13 minutes
commissioned by Ayumi Shimonoto; performed by Shintaro Ban and Ayumi Shimonoto
CD released by Ayumi Shimonoto on
Ayumi Shimonodo: The World of Contemporary Koto Music
Touched, scooped (2021)
chamber music - duo
Unspoken Song of the Koto (2020)
for koto-uta (koto with voice for one performer)
on the song #4160 from Man'yoshu volume 19 by Ōtomo no Yakamochi
duration: approximately 9 minutes
commissioned by Minoh-City Maple Hall; performed by Lisa Kataoka
Striking a match momentarily I see the foggy ocean b (2018/19)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Striking a match momentarily I see the foggy ocean (2018)
chamber music - quartet and larger
Echigojishi Fantasy b (2014/18)
with shamisen
Etudes Ⅳ (2013) 
for 25-string koto trio
duration: approximately 8 minutes
commissioned by 4plus
Etudes Ⅲ (2012) 
for 25-string koto trio
duration: approximately 6 minutes
commissioned by 4plus
Kagami-Awase (Mirrors-Facing) (2011/13)
for 2 kotos with bows
commissioned by Scott Jordan
Etudes Ⅱ (2011) 
for 25-string koto trio
duration: approximately 9 minutes
commissioned by 4plus
Etudes (2010) 
for 25-string koto trio
duration: approximately 7 minutes
commissioned by 4plus
Aomori Frog (Japanese Foam-Nest Tree Frog) (2009)
for koto-uta (koto with voice for one performer)
on the poem 'Aomori Frog' by Sadakazu Fujii
duration: approximately 9 minutes
commissioned by Tokyo Wonder Site (current: Tokyo Arts and Space); performed at
On Site Lab Emerging Artist Support Program Music - Meet Japanese Contemporary Composer - MUSIC OF YUJI TAKAHASHI
Love song Ⅱ (2008)
chamber music - quartet and larger
with Rakugo (Japanese traditional verbal entertainment)
Nekosada (2024)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and shamisen
commissioned by Kokontei Shinsuke for Shinsuke Semi no Kai
Shinigami (A God of Death) (2023)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 30 minutes
for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.6 - Two-Night Festival
Hangonkō (Incense to reunite a loved one who has passed away) (2011/14/23) 
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 30 minutes
for Awai-Za debut concert 'Hanashi × New Music'
revised for
Awai-Za "Mirages of Floating World" in TWS experimental festival
revised for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.6 - Two-Night Festival
Shibahama [Version 2018] (2011/18)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 60 minutes
for Awai-Za debut concert 'Hanashi × New Music'
revised for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.2 - The second-night 'Hauta × New Music'
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi' omnibus version (2016)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and kokyu
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Toyota-city Noh Theater; performed at
Japanese Traditional Arts Series #34 "Invitation to Yose"
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi Ⅱ - The death of Toyoshiga' (2015)
for a rakugo performer, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Chuō University Junior and Senior High School
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi Ⅶ' (2014/15)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and kokyu
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Studio Iwato and Kokontei Shinsuke
CD released by
NHK service center
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi Ⅵ' (2014/15)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and kokyu
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Studio Iwato and Kokontei Shinsuke
CD released by
NHK service center
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi Ⅴ' (2013/14)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and kokyu
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Studio Iwato and Kokontei Shinsuke
CD released by
NHK service center
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi Ⅳ' (2013/14)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and kokyu
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Studio Iwato and Kokontei Shinsuke
CD released by
NHK service center
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi Ⅲ' (2012/13)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and kokyu
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Studio Iwato and Kokontei Shinsuke
CD released by
NHK service center
Music for 'Shinkei Kasanegafuchi Ⅰ' (2012)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, and kokyu
duration: approximately 90 minutes
commissioned by Studio Iwato and Kokontei Shinsuke
CD released by
NHK service center
Shibahama [Version 2011] (2011)
for a rakugo performer, violin, cello, shamisen, and electronics
duration: approximately 60 minutes
written for Awai-Za debut concert 'Hanashi × New Music'
for runway show
24 Preludes on the name of Michiko Suzuki (2016) 
for solo piano
duration: approximately 25 minutes
commissioned by Michiko Suzuki's
Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. for Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. 2016-17 F/W COLLECTION RUNWAY SHOW
The Night Music (2015) 
1. Boléro
2. Frederic Chopin: Nocturne No.20 in C-sharp minor, Op.posth
3. Lilium - Dance of death
4. Prelude to Boléro
for solo piano and pre-recorded pianos or piano ensemble
duration: approximately 20 minutes
commissioned by Michiko Suzuki's
Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. for Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. 2015 FULL COLLECTION RUNWAY SHOW
Transfiguration on the Theme of Morin Khuur (2013) 
for pre-recorded 4 cellos
duration: approximately 20 minutes
commissioned by Michiko Suzuki's
passacaglia della notte (2011)
for solo piano and pre-recorded organ
duration: approximately 15 minutes
commissioned by Michiko Suzuki's
Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. for Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. 2012 S/S COLLECTION RUNWAY SHOW
for remote ensemble
Series for Remote Ensemble for Ensemble Free (2020)
1. Lassie Song 
2. Incantation
3. Broken Telephone
for a remote ensemble with an orchestra
commissioned by Ensemble Free
Letters (2020)
for a remote ensemble by the duo with shamisen and piano
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by Hidéki Nagano and Hidejiro Honjon
theatre pieces and others
Music for 'Kogane no Fune' (2024)
for picture-story show, narrator, flute, violin, and cello
on the libretto by Seikou Morohashi, based on 'Kogane no Fune' by Kimiko Aman
commissioned by
Seikou Morohashi
Long Notes (2023) 
video work in collaboration with Kray Chen
Kray Chen: Long Notes[Social Dive Projects]Tokyo Biennale 2023
Music for 'The Restaurant of Many Orders' (2022)
for picture-story show, narrator, and clarinet in B flat
on the libretto by Seikou Morohashi, based on 'The Restaurant of Many Orders' by Kenji Miyazawa
commissioned by
Seikou Morohashi
Music for 'The Moonlight and The Glasses' (2022)
for picture-story show, narrator, clarinet in B flat, and cello
on the libretto by Seikou Morohashi, based on 'The Moonlight and The Glasses' by Mimei Ogawa
commissioned by
Seikou Morohashi
Music for 'Yamanashi' (2020) 

for picture-story show, narrator, clarinet in B flat, and cello
on the libretto by Seikou Morohashi, based on 'Yamanashi' by Kenji Miyazawa
commissioned by
Seikou Morohashi
Music for 'Gauche the Cellist' (2019) 

for picture-story show, narrator, and cello
on the libretto by Seikou Morohashi, based on 'Gauche the Cellist' by Kenji Miyazawa
commissioned by
Seikou Morohashi
Music for the short movie 'My Important People' directed by Minako Miyake (2017) 
for violin and cello
Yamazakura Hokiuta (Congratulatory Song to Wild Cherry Blossoms) (2016)
for unison chorus accompanied by keyboard harmonica
on the poetry in the ancient Japanese style by Yukako Meguro
dedicated to Masanobu Ikeba to celebrate his 70th birthday
Music for the radio drama 'At the Fishing Hole' (2015)
for solo cello
commissioned by NHK Radio Center
Transfiguration on the theme of Morin Khuur b (2013/14) 
for pre-recorded cellos
written for Koharu Sugawara’s official website and her promotion movie
duration: approximately 3 minutes
8bit sonata (2012)
for electronics (8bit sounds)
commissioned by Mr. Music; performed at Niconico Contemporary Music Vol.4
ireco monogatari (The Nesting Story) (2009-10)
for 4 performers (cello, keyboard harmonica, 2 accordions, guitar, and voice) and electronics
duration: approximately 73 minutes
written for the final presentation of
Tokyo Wonder Site (current: Tokyo Arts and Space) Local Creator Residence Program created during the working period at Aoyama Creator In Residence
'ireco monodatari' official website by Yusuke Kawamura
Music for the documentary film by Dinh Q. Lê (2009)
for solo piano
commissioned by Tokyo Wonder Site
for children
Secret Parade In the Mid-Night (2015)
for solo electone
duration: approximately 1 minute
commissioned by and published by YAMAHA MUSIC FOUNDATION
for Awai-Za including arrangement works
Jyunishi On-Ko
1. Rat Song (2020)
2. Ox Song (2023)
3. Tiger Song (2023)
4. Rabbit Song (2023)
5. Dragon Song (2024)
for violin, cello, and shamisen with voice
Jyunishi On-Ko series started from Koto-hajime 2020
Hauta 'Awayuki' (2024)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
recomposed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.7 - Bach and Hauta Ⅱ
Hauta 'San-sagari Sawagi' (2024)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
recomposed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.7 - Bach and Hauta Ⅱ
Hauta 'Yozakura' (2024)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
recomposed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.7 - Bach and Hauta Ⅱ
J.S.Bach: J.S.Bach: Air on the G String (2024)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
arranged for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.7 - Bach and Hauta Ⅱ
J.S.Bach: Capriccio on the departure of a beloved brother (2024)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
arranged for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.7 - Bach and Hauta Ⅱ
Tsugi-hagi Chushingura part Ⅱ (2023)
for shamisen with voice, violin, cello, shamisen and kokyu
duration: approximately 20 minutes
composed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.6 - Two-Night Festival
Tsugi-hagi Chushingura part Ⅰ (2019/23)
for shamisen with voice, violin, cello, shamisen and kokyu
duration: approximately 30 minutes
composed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music vol. 3 - Hauta and Chushingura
revised for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.6 - Two-Night Festival
Little Fugue on the name of Wasei Hirai (2023)
for flute, violin, and cello
dedicated to Wasei Hirai, Chief Priest of Anyou-in Temple, to celebrate his 70th birthday
J.S.Bach: Musical Offering (2023)
for flute, shakuhachi, shamisen, violin and cello
duration: approximately 50 minutes
commissioned by Anyo-in temple; for Bach's Field of Prayer - extra edition
Hauta 'Hana wa Ueno' (2023)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
recomposed for Koto-hajime 2023
J.S.Bach: several pieces from "Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben" (BWV 147) (2022)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 10 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.5 - Bach and Hauta
Hauta 'Kiyari Kuzushi' (2022)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
recomposed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.5 - Bach and Hauta
J.S.Bach: Lord, Joy of Man's Desiring (from Cantata No.147 "In Heart, Mouth, Deeds, and Life") (2022)
for shakuhachi, shamisen, violin and cello
arranged for Bach's Field of Prayer - extra edition
J.S.Bach: Goldberg Variations (2022)
for shakuhachi, shamisen, violin and cello
duration: approximately 100 minutes
commissioned by Anyo-in temple; for Bach's Field of Prayer - extra edition
Sonatina on the name of Bach (2021-22)
chamber music - solo
Hauta 'Yugure' (2022)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
recomposed for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2022
J.S.Bach: Lord, Joy of Man's Desiring (from Cantata No.147 "In Heart, Mouth, Deeds, and Life") (2021)
for flute, violin and cello
arranged for Bach's Field of Prayer #6 - Awai-Za Recital Series Vol.2
Sonata-Vocalise (2021)
chamber music - solo
J.S.Bach: Lord, Joy of Man's Desiring (from Cantata No.147 "In Heart, Mouth, Deeds, and Life") (2021)
for violin and cello
arranged for Bach's Field of Prayer #1 - Awai-Za Recital Series Vol.2
Balls and Keys (2020)
chamber music - duo
Awai-Tsukuda (2019/20)
for shamisen, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 5 minutes
composed for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2019
revised for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.4 - Fireworks
Hauta 'Nenagarani' (2020)
for shamisen with voice and violin
duration: approximately 4 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.4 - Fireworks
Hidetaro Honjoh: HANABI (2020)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.4 - Fireworks
A.Vivaldi: Concerto No.1 LA PRIMAVERA (2020)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 10 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Koto-hajime 2020
R.Rodgers: My Funny Valentine (2020)
for cello and shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Koto-hajime 2020
Music for Tōsanba (2019)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 6 minutes
composed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music vol. 3 - Hauta and Chushingura
Floating Bridge of Dreams Ⅰ - on 'Yoshiwara-Kiyari' (2018/19)
for shamisen with voice, violin, cello, and bass shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
composed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.2 - The second night 'Hauta × New Music'
revised for Awai-Za Edo×New Music vol. 3 - Hauta and Chushingura
W.A.Mozart=Yu Kuwabara: Variations on 'Ah, vous dirai-je Maman' Awai-Za version (2019)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 10 minutes
recomposed for Salon de Awai-Za 2019
W.A.Mozart: Duet 'Pa-pa-pa' from The Magic Flute (2019)
for violin and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
arranged for Salon de Awai-Za 2019
B.Howard: Fly Me To The Moon (2019)
for violin and shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
arranged for Salon de Awai-Za 2019
Rentaro Taki: Kōjō no Tsuki (2019)
for violin, cello and shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
recomposed for Salon de Awai-Za 2019
Hauta 'Hagi no Siorido' (2019)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
arranged for Salon de Awai-Za 2019
Hana no Fuga (Fugue florissante) (2019) 
Fugue on the theme of "Cherry Blossoms" from 'Four Seasons' by Rentaro Taki
for violin and cello (The video on YouTube is a solo piano version.)
duration: approximately 4 minutes
composed for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2019
Hidetaro Honjoh: Hana no Fuga (Elegance in Flowers) (2019) 

for violin, cello and shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2019
Hauta 'Shiba ni Umarete' (2019)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
recomposed for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2019
Hauta 'Enkaina' (2019)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
recomposed for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2019
Hauta 'Ageshio' (2019)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
recomposed for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2019
Hauta 'Fukagawa-bushi' (2019)
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
recomposed for Awai-Za Kawa-biraki 2019
Yoshinao Nakada: On A Snowing Town (2013/19)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 8 minutes
recomposed for Kokontei Shinsuke and Awai-Za "Shinkei Kasanegahuchi" vol.5
revised for Awai-Za Koto-hajime 2019
G.F.Händel: Passacaglia from Suite in g minor, HWV432 (2019)
for violin and cello
duration: approximately 4 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Koto-hajime 2019
A.Vivaldi: Concerto No.4 L’INVERNO (2019)
for violin, cello, and shamisen
duration: approximately 10 minutes
arranged for Awai-Za Koto-hajime 2019
Hauta 'Nenchugyoji' (2019) 
for shamisen with voice, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 5 minutes
recomposed for Awai-Za Koto-hajime 2019
A.Vivaldi: 2nd movement form Concerto No.4 L’INVERNO (2018)
for violin and cello
duration: approximately 3 minutes
Shami Zanmai (2018)
with shamisen
Floating Bridge of Dreams Ⅱ - on 'Yoru no Ame (Rain at night)' (2018)
for shamisen with voice, violin, cello, and bass shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
composed for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.2 - The second-night 'Hauta × New Music'
Lotus Pedestal (2011/18) 
for shamisen, violin, and cello
duration: approximately 9 minutes
composed for Awai-Za debut concert 'Hanashi × New Music'
revised for Awai-Za Edo×New Music Vol.2 - The first-night 'Rakugo × New Music'
CD released by KAIROS [0022202KAI] on
YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound
Song for "Wakamurasaki" b' (2014/18)
with shamisen
Mizu no Koe (Water Voice) (2014-15/19)
Falling Dusk (2014)
with shamisen
Song for "Wakamurasaki" (2014)
with shamisen
Echigojishi Fantasy (2014)
with shamisen
besides, works with rakugo
with rakugo
arrangement works/recompositions
Heitor Villa-Lobos: Rudepoêma (2022)
for guitar and cello
duration: approximately 20 minutes
commissioned by Sho Sato
Hidetaro Honjoh: Iwafune (2020)
for shamisen, voice, flute, cello, and percussions
duration: approximately 4 minutes
commissioned by Dento-Gakusha
Hikaru Utada: First Love (2020)
for mandolin and guitar
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Go Mochizuki
B. Howard: Fly Me To The Moon
Fly Me To The Moon
for Awai-Za
Fly Me To The Moon b [viola version]
for viola and shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by Megumi Kasakawa and Hidejiro Honjoh
Fly Me To The Moon c [horn version]
for horn and shamisen
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Hidejiro Honjoh; performed by Nobuaki Fukukawa and Hidejiro Honjoh
F. Poulenc: L'histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant (2019)
for narrator, cello, and piano
duration: approximately 30 minutes
commissioned by Sho Sato
Deconstructing Winter (2017-18)
chamber music - quartet and larger
chorus arrangement for Hidejiro Honjoh's works
George Gershwin: I Got Rhythm (2017)
for cello, piano, and percussions
duration: approximately 6 minutes
Jimi Hendrix: Purple Haze (2017)
for shakihachi, shamisen, 13-string koto, and 17-string koto
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Hōgaku Solisten
Bill Evans: Waltz for Debby (2017)
for shakihachi, shamisen, 13-string koto, and 17-string koto
duration: approximately 5 minutes
commissioned by Hōgaku Solisten
Hocket on 'Limelight' by Rush (2016)
for tenor and cello
duration: approximately 6 minutes
composed for "Gen" musubi -Music and Literature- Vol.2 "Twelfth Night, or, What You Will"
Bill Evans: B Minor Waltz (2016)
for violin, viola, cello, and piano
duration: approximately 6 minutes
commissioned by Ai Kuwabara; for Ai Kuwabara -KYOGAKU- 2016 Winter
John Lennon and Paul McCartney: I Am The Walrus (2016)
for 2 cellos
duration: approximately 5 minutes
composed for "Gen" musubi -Music and Literature- vol.1 "The Comedy of Errors"
Pops in Mandolin Orchestra - The Beatles I "Michelle" (2015)
Mandolin Orchestra
M. Ravel: Boléro - Christmas Version (2015)
for piano, violin, viola, cello, and electric bass
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by Ai Kuwabara; performed at Ai Kuwabara -Christmas with Strings 2015-
M. Ravel: Boléro (2015)
for piano 4 hands
duration: approximately 12 minutes
commissioned by Michiko Suzuki's
Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. and Yokohama Sogo
composed for Nocturne #22 In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. Session Show at Yokohama Sogo
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu: Tsukema Tsukeru (2012)
for electronics (8bit sounds)
commissioned by Mr. Music for Niconico Contemporary Music Vol.4
released on
commissioned new work
for solo percussion
commissioned new work
for sho and piano
commissioned new work
for mandolin, guitar, cello, and piano
commissioned by Go Mochizuki
commissioned new work
for 2-sho and accordion
commissioned new work
for noh voice and guitar
new work
for khean, shamisen, violin, and cello
for Christopher Adler and Awai-Za
commissioned new work
for solo cembalo
commissioned new work
commissioned by Syntax Ensemble
as the winner of the international composition contest "Breaking Music"
in revision
Gamelan of Wind and Stars (2013)
for trumpet and guitar
duration: approximately 10 minutes
commissioned by
Kiyonori Sokabe and
Gaku Yamada
Kagami-Awase (Mirrors-Facing) (2011/13)
for 2 kotos with bows
commissioned by Scott Jordan